The Lore Adventure
The Lore Adventure
Something's out there...
Something's in the woods....
A captivating adventure of mystery, magic, and suspense--a nonstop page turner winding toward an ultimate clash between the forces of good and evil.
In the early 1980s, Jim Fletcher, author of The Lore Adventure Trilogy, snuck into Maplewood State Park near Pelican Rapids, MN, and began building and hiding artworks in the forest. First to appear were the rock pillars he calls Amity Pillars. Each rock in a pillar, as Lore legend tells, represents a different life, and the balancing of the rocks symbolizes the delicate thread of balance that binds together all living things. Soon small buildings began to appear, the first made of stones and pebbles imbedded into mossy banks. Eventually, stoneware buildings materialized and were tucked beneath ferns and hidden along the forest floor. Rock paintings emerged, along with ceramic masks with chimes suspended from the trees. As these hidden works grew in numbers, then too, did the writing of the Lore Adventure begin. In time, Jim's students at Pelican Rapids High School got involved, and together they constructed a thousand square foot villiage concealed in the woodland. Legend also tells of a small village hidden at the botom of one of Maplewood's lakes. The Lore Adventure had begun.